Thursday, October 27, 2011

Diwali Scrubs and Wishes....

Adityavardhan Paranjape, a nephew of sorts, and an avid photographer , is just into colllege. And photography. More into animals and birds and trees.

He just posted this photo clicked on a trip to Dapoli , on the picturesque Kokan Coast south of Mumbai, on the West Coast of India.

The timing of this during Diwali, suggested a traditional Diwali bath, "Abhyanga Snana", taken early in the morning, with oil massages, traditional scrubs, and a decent breakfast with the rising sun.

Which the birds seem to be enjoying....

Naturally, the white, and the grey, and the absence of black, had me thinking....:-)

Cool nippy
Diwali mornings
the Kokan Coast.
These worthies
doing "Abhyanga Snana"
amidst the sea waves,
flavoured by
and rubbed by sand,
to emerge
a smattering of grey.

And then
there are those
in impressive places,
who also "fly" high,
and return
for the "Abhyanga Snana"
immersed as they are
in green and black and red;

there is
such an abundance
of the black,
it refuses to go away
the soap and scrub,
are so dishonest......

So enjoy the seagulls,
the new morning,
and a Happy Diwali ......


  1. Wow! Luv how u come up with such nice similes~!
    Abhyanga snana is so relaxing indeed :)

  2. superb! :) :)
    i wish i looked this pretty after taking "abhyanga snan" for so many years now ;)
