Friday, November 25, 2011

Mr Friedman, the world is round !

We perceive things , visually, differently, depending on the background; of the observer,  as well as the visual.

Laxmi Sharath, prolific travel writer, photographer , and wildlife & birding enthusiast, was recently invited to visit Khajuraho, and has put up some amazing pictures here. 

As has been noticed by another reader of her blog too, the profile of this Chausath Yogini temple  in Khajuraho, resembles  a children's favorite character, watched equally by adults.

Read on :-)......

(photograph by Lakshmi Sharath)
In more ways
than one knows
the world is round ...

To some ,
its the
quiet of the dusk,
trees standing still
as the birds
hurry home,
after watching the
at the Chausath Yogini Shrine...

And to some,
its a
in profile,
looking up
the Rising Sun,
a great
Good Morning .....

It takes all kinds
to make our world.
Friedman, take that !

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